Happy Juneteenth 2020!

Juneteenth: The day that the yoke of slavery lifted off the last remaining slaves in America.
Also known as Emancipation Day, Black Independence Day and Jubilee Day, we pray that Juneteenth soon becomes a National Holiday.
Official Juneteenth Poem
We Rose
From Africa’s heart, we rose
Already a people, our faces ebon, our bodies lean,
We rose
Skills of art, life, beauty and family Crushed by forces we knew nothing of, we rose
Survive we must, we did, We rose
We rose to be you, we rose to be me, Above everything expected, we rose
To become the knowledge we never knew, We rose
Dream, we did Act we must
~ Kristina Kay (1996)
For more information on the history of Juneteenth, please visit
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
John 8:32 (KJV)
** Photo above is of Takesha Stoll from the dance, Kettle Prayers, performed at Fort Monroe (Freedom's Fortress)